
Dr Pooja Sawrikar has worked at the School of Human Services and Social Work at Griffith University (2010-2020), the Social Policy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales (2005-2014), and the Department of Psychology at The University of Sydney (2000-2005). She obtained her B Science (Hons) in 1999, was awarded her PhD in Psychology in 2004, and completed her Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Work/Social Policy between 2007-2010. Her academic career spans twenty years; since 2000, she has taught over 10,000 students Psychology and Research Methods subjects, and worked on 15 commissioned research projects for Australian state and federal governments and national and international non-government organisations (NGOs) to the total value of $4m+. Her research areas and 60+ publications cover racism, sexism, child protection, domestic violence, culturally appropriate service delivery, culture, migration, mental illness, social cognition, and academic publishing and funding. She is experienced in a wide range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies including multiple and logistic regression, structural equation modelling, semi structured interviews, focus groups, auto ethnography, systematic literature reviews, and theory development. She uses research to not just comprehensively capture and explain the size and nature of a phenomena, but to use that evidence to reduce injustice and increase well-being. She is currently the Founder and Director of Scholar Freedom, an academic publishing platform that opens credible research to the public and ensures academics are properly paid. She also assists Honours, Masters, and PhD scholars with editing their dissertation, and is available as a consultant to advise on racism and sexism in neoliberal academia and cultural diversity and child protection. Inquire for a full copy of CV



  • Bulimwengu, A. & Sawrikar, P. (2023). Parenting in a new land. In Heward-Belle, S. & Tsantefski, M. Working with Families Experiencing Vulnerability: A Partnership Approach (3rd ed.). Cambridge University Press, pp. 116-134.











  • Sawrikar, P. (2012). Providing culturally appropriate child protection services in culturally diverse communities. Prepared for Conference on child protection: Enhancing capacity and strategic service delivery within a national and regional context, Malaysia, 20-22 November 2012.






  • Craig, L. & Sawrikar, P. (2007). The effect of (dis)satisfaction with the division of domestic labour on relationship survival. Report prepared for Department of Family, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs FaHCSIA, Australian Federal Government, Canberra.

  • Cortis, N., Sawrikar, P. & Muir, K. (2007). Participation in Sport and Recreation by Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Women – Final Report. Report prepared for the Australian Government Office of Women, FaCSIA, Social Policy Research Centre.


  • Cortis, N., Sawrikar, P. & Muir, K. (2006). Participation in sport and recreation by culturally and linguistically diverse women. Discussion paper for the Australian Government Office for Women, Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Social Policy Research Centre.

  • Craig, L. & Sawrikar, P. (2006). Work and Family Balance: Transitions to High School. Report prepared for the Department of Family and Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Australian Federal Government, Canberra.

  • Fisher, K. R, Everingham, S, Katz I., Sawrikar, P., Parker S., van Gool, K., Haas, M. & Johnston, C. (2006). Evaluation Plan Early Intervention Program. Report prepared for NSW Department of Community Services, Sydney.



  • Sawrikar, P. & Hunt, C. (2004). The relationship between emotional suppression and mental health among adolescents: Conference abstract. International Journal of Psychology, 39(5-6), 304.

Keynotes and invited presentations and consultations


  • You can’t be what you can’t see, UnitingCare Symposium, Brisbane, 21 June 2023

  • Working safely and compassionately with ethnic minority children and families in the child protection system, 6th International Conference for Protection of Minors, Trento Italy, 5-6 May 2023


  • Racism and resistance in Social Work, Welfare and Human Services education and research, Dr Mareese Terare, Dr Pooja Sawrikar, Dr Katazyrna Olcon, Dr Joselyn Baltro-Gonzalez, ANZSWWER, Jul 2021.


  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities: Unpacking their needs and experiences, Legal Aid NSW, Nov 2019.

  • Domestic and family violence (DFV) and ‘Culturally and Linguistically Diverse’ (CALD) communities, Selfless Efforts for Welfare for All (SEWA) Australia, Oct 2019.

  • Connections for cultural identity, Ass Prof Amy Conley-Wright, Dr Pooja Sawrikar, Kathy Karatasas, Institute for Open Adoptions Studies (IOAS) Research to Practice Forum, University of Sydney, Aug 2019.

  • Domestic and family violence (DFV) and ‘Culturally and Linguistically Diverse’ (CALD) communities, Australian Indian Medical Graduates Association (AIMGA), Jun 2019.

  • Relationships Australia NSW, Focus group consultation re increasing accessibility of services to Indian clients in Ryde LGA, May 2019.


  • Coleman-Greig Lawyers, Sydney, Expert report and court appearance for an adoption matter involving cultural issues, Apr–Jun 2016.


  • Royal Commission, Expert review of scoping paper on institutional child sexual abuse (CSA) and CALD communities, Nov 2015.

  • Peak Care Qld, Review of Report on ‘CALD children and Trauma Informed Therapeutic Care Framework for Residential Care in Queensland, Jul 2015.


  • Providing culturally appropriate child protection services in culturally diverse communities: What can Queensland learn from research in NSW? PeakCare Qld Inc. Conference on child protection and CALD children and families, Brisbane, Sep 2014.


  • Overcoming barriers to improve access and equity of family relationship services for ethnic minority families in Australia, Family Law Pathways Network (FLPN) Conference, Newcastle, Jun 2013.


  • Providing culturally appropriate child protection services in culturally diverse communities, Conference on child protection: Enhancing capacity and strategic service delivery within a national and regional context, Malaysia, Nov 2012.


  • Ethnic Communities Council Queensland (ECCQ), Consultation re ‘CALD clients within the child protection system’, Mar 2011.


  • CALD, Indigenous and Anglo Saxon families in the NSW child protection system, DoCS Multicultural Conference, Sydney, Nov 2010.

  • African families and child protection issues. Forum on African Families Veronica Riddell, Learning and Development Project Worker, Family Worker Training and Development Programme Inc., Sydney, Mar 2010.


  • Family relationships in diverse cultures: New directions in service delivery, Broadmeadows Family Relationship Centre, Melbourne, Dec 2008.



  • ARC Linkage (LP200100428), $387K, Jan 2021–Dec 2024, Upholding the right to cultural connection for children in care, Ass Prof Rebekah Grace (Lead CI), Ass Prof Amy Conley-Wright, Prof Manjula Waniganayake, Dr Pooja Sawrikar, Ass Prof Fay Hadley, Dr Stacy Blythe, Kathy Karatasas; Partner organisations: Settlement Services International, Key Assets, Barnados Australia, MacKillop Family Services, Anglicare, Challenge Community Services, Wesley Mission, and Children Australia.


  • Griffith University Research Encouragement Grant, $5K, Nov 2018, The development and evaluation of an education program for service providers about child sexual abuse (CSA) and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities (, Dr Pooja Sawrikar (CI/sole/lead).

  • Griffith University Conference Funding Support, $3K, Jul 2018, Social Work, Education, and Social Development (SWSD) Conference, Dublin, Child sexual abuse (CSA) and ethnic minority communities: Building knowledge to help guide clinical practice with victims/survivors, Dr Pooja Sawrikar.


  • [Funding body undisclosed], $50K, Feb 2016–Jan 2017, Child sexual abuse (CSA) and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, Dr Pooja Sawrikar (CI), Prof Ilan Katz.


  • NSW Department of Human Services (DHS), $1m, Mar–Apr 2014, Keep Them Safe Evaluation, Prof Ilan Katz (Lead CI), multiple university partners.


  • Mid Coast Communities, $32K, Jan–Dec 2013, Family Agency Capacity Project and Research among families with children (0–8 years) with a disability, Ass Prof kylie valentine (CI), Dr Pooja Sawrikar.


  • DHS Victoria, $352K, Jun–Dec 2011, Evaluation of Elizabeth Street Common Ground Supportive Housing project, Prof Kristy Muir (CI), Dr Jane Bullen, Dr Pooja Sawrikar.

  • Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA), $94K, Jun 2011, Community attitudes to disability, Prof Karen Fisher (CI), Dr Christiane Purcall, Dr Denise Thompson, Dr Chris Deeming, Dr Pooja Sawrikar.


  • beyondblue, $132K, Nov 2010–Jun 2011, Focus group research for beyondblue with consumers and carers, Prof Kristy Muir (CI), Dr Pooja Sawrikar.


  • National Youth Affairs Research Scheme (NYARS), $40K, Jan–Dec 2008, Mentoring and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) young people: the case of Horn of Africa young people in Australia, Prof Kristy Muir (CI), Dr Pooja Sawrikar, Megan Griffiths.

  • Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), $18K, Jan–Jun 2008, Literature review on enhancing family and relationship service accessibility and delivery to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) families in Australia, Dr Pooja Sawrikar (CI), Prof Ilan Katz.

  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), $150K, Sep–Nov 2008, Child-centred policy analysis and budgeting in the Pacific Islands, Prof Peter Whiteford (CI), Dr Pooja Sawrikar.


  • NSW Department of Community Services (DoCS), $243K, Jul 2007–Jul 2010, Postdoctoral Fellowship: Culturally appropriate child protection service delivery for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) children and families, Dr Pooja Sawrikar (CI/sole/lead).

  • FaCSIA, $88K, Jan–Dec 2007, Sport and recreation participation among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women in Australia, Prof Kristy Muir (CI), Dr Natasha Cortis, Dr Pooja Sawrikar.


  • FaCSIA, $72K, Nov 2005–Jun 2006, Transition to high school: Work family balance for parents, Prof Lyn Craig (CI), Dr Pooja Sawrikar.

  • FaCSIA, $68K, Nov 2005–Dec 2006, Predicting divorce and number of children from fairness in housework shares, Prof Lyn Craig (CI), Dr Pooja Sawrikar.

  • DoCS, $1.6m, Nov 2005–Dec 2006, Evaluation of DoCS’ Early Intervention Program, Prof Ilan Katz (CI), multiple university partners.


  • Commendation for Outstanding or Excellent Teaching, Griffith University, 2010-2014 (Award scheme ceased thereafter).

  • Personal commendation for excellence in teaching, Hon. Michael Kirby, University of Sydney, 2002.

  • HDR Supervision to 10 students, 2004-2021.

  • Mean SET (Student Evaluation of Teaching) score = 4.7/5, 2010-2019.

  • Mean ‘Nominate teacher for an award’ rate = 54%, 2010-2019.

  • Testimonials


  • >15 reviews of ARC applications (Discovery, Early Career, Linkage, Special Research Initiative), 2014-2020.

  • >40 reviews of journal articles, books, and book proposals, 2003-2020.

  • >5 media interviews inc. national radio, ‘Life Matters’ with Geraldine Doogue, 2003-2014.

  • >10 field placement liaison visits, 2010-2020.

  • >40 professional development and OHS courses completed, 2004-2020.

  • >10 HDR theses marked, 2004-2020.

  • Co editor, Journal of Social Inclusion, 2020.