Other resources

I meet beautiful women and men in my journey.

I receive countless brave emails filled with pain and gladness there was someone who would listen and ‘hold’ them and their story for just a little moment.

I also meet brave awesome rock stars who want to do similar things or are already. Every time I hear from one of them I’m going to put a link up here to their website. I may not be the best or exact fit for what you are looking for because my business is specifically focused on academic progression, but someone out there is, and it helps if you don’t have to go on a big hunt for them! Some of these amazing people might be discipline-specific, best for research-focused academics, focus on general career coaching, or are internationally-based. All the best in your journey.


Embrace Change

— Cynthia Pong

The GrantEd Group

— Dr Lyn Airey and Kirsten Bartlett

Lega Associates

— Professor Elizabeth Spencer


The services below are no longer available. The information on the remainder of this page has been archived for reading purposes only.

Donate your power

Women who engage the coaching service come from all disciplines. Each discipline has their own quirks about what is valued and how to convey that in a promotions application. If you are willing to donate your past promotions application to a bank I can draw from and share with clients to help model what narration in a successful application in their area might look like, it would be gratefully received. It can be for an application to any academic level, and your equity statement can be removed at your request. In advance, and on behalf of all women scholars of our future, thank you. I will let you know when your application has been shared, and will ask the client to email and thank you personally if they drew learnings from it. Who knows, future collaborations that feed the intellectual soul may also be born!

Note: Past successful applications will only be shared with the client in the final stages of coaching, as part of application refinement and polishing. This is to ensure the authenticity and uniqueness of the applicant’s story is front and centre.

From Level Bs to VCs, men and women - all donations are welcome! We are multidimensional creatures. I know that some gatekeepers are prisoners too. You can slightly set yourself free by paying it forward.

I receive contact from Professors and/or ex-Deans looking to work with me in some way (so far, in STEM and Law). They have a head full of knowledge they want to pass on to the next generation to help see them succeed. If this sounds like you, please let me know. I welcome the idea of working with a small army of smart, kind, fair-minded, justice-seeking women. After having done the core work with a woman on her application, I can send it to knowledgeable people like yourself for final refinement and polishing when it lines up with her discipline. If instead of sharing your past applications, you would like to be more actively involved, please reach out at any time.

Donate to the website

If you recognise, and wish to acknowledge and honour the intellectual and emotional labour that underpins the material on this website, a small donation toward the annual cost of this website would be appreciated. Thank you for seeing me.


Referral system

Women scholars


$210 AUD worth of services for free!

If you engage any of the coaching services (exc. ‘Starter’ package), are satisfied with the service (not the outcome - a bit like a student who will only give you a good evaluation if they get a good score on their assignment, right?! But also because the decision is not in my hands), and refer this service to a colleague who then takes up any of the coaching services themselves, you will get one ‘Additional discussion’ (worth $210 AUD) for free as a thank you for passing on a good word. It will give us both a chance to see how you’ve been travelling since we first had the pleasure of meeting. You can use this ‘freebie’ at any time you feel it would be worthwhile to you (e.g. in preparation for your next application for promotion) - there is no expiry.

Universities and funders


Service loyalty rewarded with even more discounts!

If universities engage the independent review of applications for promotion, or funders (e.g. ARC, NHMRC, UKRI, NIH) engage the independent review of research grant applications, are satisfied with how safe, professional, respectful, benevolent, informed, honest, and committed to integrity the service was (and/or refer it to another university or funding body who then takes up the service themselves), they will attract further discounts in future years for being a repeat client as a thank you for service loyalty (and for passing on a good word). I look forward to nurturing an ongoing, constructive, and friendly relationship with you over the years, so that my services become a trusted, routine, independent add-on to internal processes.