Do you offer any other services?

Only the coaching service remains available. Information about the other services on this page has been archived for reading purposes only.


Has your recent application for promotion not been supported, or are you currently preparing one with nerves? I can work with you - an early career, mid, or established academic - to help ensure the value of your worth is conveyed as best as possible to your university. It is a chance to take stock on all you have done and want to do, and enjoy that feeling of achievement and capability, but this does not always happen. You can use information on this website as prompts for consideration too. We’ll work on your drafts together to find the pleasure of who you are despite/because of all your setbacks, and make sure that comes across in your final application; ‘self promotion’ will be done on your terms.



Would you like me to speak about gender inequity in academia, and hear in person some of the things I talk about on this website? The soft human touch is so important for lubricating change, but the harnessing power of rage is not to be underestimated or shoosh-ed either. I have intentionally designed this website as an onslaught of information; forcibly making readers walk in the shoes of a woman in academia and shake them out of any ignorant bliss. Any other way would dilute and dishonour their pain. Some of the emotional labour involved in working through shock and defensiveness needs to be left to you first, so that when we meet what is said doesn’t come as a complete surprise. We can then roll up our sleeves and do the work together. Uncomfortable but ethically spoken truth and integrity are professional values I hold dear; I look forward to conveying that to you in my address.



Are you a university looking for a safe space to talk through the strategies for gender equity you have tried, reflect on why they may not have worked, and as a team generate solutions tailored to your focus (as a research/teaching-intensive or balanced university)? I can facilitate a session that gives ‘the microphone’ to your decision-makers (Heads of Department, Deans, Pro Vice Chancellors, etc.), but also help troubleshoot things you may not foresee. In having a conversation with someone outside your usual circle and groupthink you may be stuck in, real change is possible. Designing your solutions is empowering and more likely to stick.



Are you a journal editor or research grant board member on the receiving end of an angry letter from a woman whose knowledge feels disrespected? You do not wish to undermine your reviewers, but recognise that she can write and has a point. You also recognise you have been myopically trained to privilege certain types of knowledge above others, and have reached a stage in your own professional thinking seeking to change and challenge that. Once you have moved past the sour feelings the letter has left you with, and separated the release of her pent up emotions from the cogency of her argument, you can contact me for a second opinion, and exercise your final decision-making power in a way that does not stop the publication profile, knowledge, and representation of women at the gate on account of the vicious self-fulfilling circle of implicit bias. You can see that her anger is an expressed desire to be seen and treated as an equal, finally spilling over from a long history of not, and want safe help on how to use your white/white-passing or male privileges responsibly.