Past or future, what’s more important to celebrate?

I wonder why university decision-makers seem to forget we are all human, and so we all want to be acknowledged for the work we have done. They wanted the exact same thing when they applied for promotion - to be seen for what they have achieved. It’s not egotistical. It’s normal. There’s quite a big emphasis on wanting our applications for promotion to be ‘forward looking’ - to provide even more justification for why we are worthy of being rewarded - but we are mostly asking for recognition at the time we do to be seen for what we have done so far. Sure we’ll get the future set up, but we’ll also get to the future when the future gets here. Timely recognition is the boost that keeps us going. When that earned recognition is denied, the unreasonableness and demoralisation will lead to dissent. And bitter is … bitter. For everyone.


Process or outcome: What drives you more?


I respect all emotions, pride and fear included. But …