Academic publishing Pooja Sawrikar Academic publishing Pooja Sawrikar

Scholar Freedom

Scholar Freedom goes live to the world on 28 Feb 2022 9am AEST. It is built for people who no longer wish to abide by the design and expectations of the current academic publishing system because they have experienced it negatively for any number of reasons ranging from racism and sexism to exorbitant open access fees. Stay tuned for the link.

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Academic publishing Pooja Sawrikar Academic publishing Pooja Sawrikar

Changing the world of academic publishing together

When an ex-CFO from across the world makes time for you and tells you your idea is good, you know you’re on the right life path. One piece of advice was to begin small by crowdfunding the prototype. A small donation each from a sea of people desperate for change in the way academic publishing currently works can change the world. We each make the system. We each can change it.

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Toxic work culture Pooja Sawrikar Toxic work culture Pooja Sawrikar

They won. They were always going to.

This Special Issue on sexism in academic promotions attracted submissions from unsilent women whose professional titles either do not reflect their true professional wisdom or were awarded far too late. Academia must stop hurtling at its toxic pace, and really ask itself what it is doing to its people and in the name of what.

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Books Pooja Sawrikar Books Pooja Sawrikar

‘Radical self-care workbook’ by (should be Professor) Helena Liu

Leaving academia was my act of radical self-care as an intersectional feminist, but I couldn’t see it at the time being clouded in deep grief of deep rejection by a system not designed to see the labour of women of colour. I’ve just read a workbook helping me reclaim who did the final rejecting, and with it restoration.

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Books Pooja Sawrikar Books Pooja Sawrikar

Shoes and corporate higher ed

I taught students under the jacaranda tree to harness the power of nature as we learned together. I took my shoes off to resist the corporate image of what an academic is supposed to look like.

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Toxic work culture Pooja Sawrikar Toxic work culture Pooja Sawrikar

Servant leadership

Has it always been there or am I just tuning in?! Leaders who serve their employees quietly bear a load so big it could easily be missed, overlooked, or not seen. They need a lot of celebratory noise made about them.

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Neoliberal academia Pooja Sawrikar Neoliberal academia Pooja Sawrikar

The day of reckoning is coming

It’s not a fancy building universities need to put money away for. It’s the Royal Commission and class action that are coming. Being an institution seen to uphold knowledge, truth, and integrity, even falling for the rhetoric, increases delusion among management they’re not. They (think they) are good people. They make harmful decisions. Neoliberal universities perpetrate psychological and financial abuse. Some justice will be asked for back.

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Academic publishing Pooja Sawrikar Academic publishing Pooja Sawrikar

So, I’ve had a bit of a think…

A nap can work wonders! From today's, I've played with ideas about how the current defunct peer review system can be disbanded and replaced with structural processes that align with the purpose of science - to let scholars talk about what they did, what they found, and what they think it means. Ego, prestige, and money are silencing voices that could really matter to someone else.

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